Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bonds, Schilling, HGH, Clemens, and Awards.

I like what Curt Schilling said on his blog. I did not see it as an attack the way the media portrayed it, but moreso as a player expressing his feelings on an issue that is a part of his life.

Many of the people in the Mitchell Report are his friends.

America has been after Barry Bonds for quite a while. When Raphael Palmeiro testified, swore to Congress that he did NOT ever use any illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs - but was latter found out to be a liar, it made headlines for a week and disappeared. The Federal Government never decided to prosecute him, I guess because there was no Federal Investigator involved, just the Congress of the USA.

I must keep that in mind, although I doubt I would ever be in such a situation.

But, to be fair and honest, I never thought about Roger Clemens and drugs. I just loved the guy. I never heard the so-called rumors regarding his ability to pitch, it wasn't like when Barry Bonds swelled up looking like Conan the Barbarian at 40!

But, I guess pitchers arms don't last that long as Roger Clemens arm did.
Personally, I do not think Roger should not give any awards back, nor Barry have any "asterisk" next to his records, at all.

We do not know who was and who was not using in the past, nor how much that possible use impacted the players performance.

It isn't like Pete Rose who made a conscious choice to gamble on baseball, especially when he was a manager of the team. Now, Pete should get in to the HOF for his performance on the field, but nothing afterwards.

I guess, what has irked me the most has been the difference in how people have reacted. Barry Bonds was not the most loved player. But, being from Pittsburgh, I recall when he played there and the fans in Pittsburgh did not make Mr. Bonds or Mr. Dave Parker feel welcome. It was strange, they loved Willie Stargell, but not Bonds/Parker, and I do not know why.

That was very early in Bonds career and I think it was one of the reasons he changed towards fans.

Fast-forward. So, America's response is to vilify Barry Bonds, destroy him, yet ignore Roger for basically the same "rumor" and now what seems to be a solid allegation is hypocritical.

/rant over

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