Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My Wife and Blogs
I do have an awesome wife. She puts up with a lot of my "lets try this" or "wow..." and is very patient, until I come back realize "hmm...maybe I should have taken my time!"
This is where I currently reside. She makes a wonderful dinner - oh let me see, I WENT AND GRABBED TACOS from Taco Bell.....(I know, I was real tired and a tad hungry). The irony is, I was supposed to be at a friends house for Dinner...and she KNEW! Not totally understanding this logic...but I concede! OH - and BTW, I did get a taste of that dinner....WHAT A TREAT!!! |
So, when I started my first blog at my domain [qualify that, first - domain for BLOGS], she kind of ignored it. The blog was a WordPress one, and I had looked at a lot of engines before selecting it. I especially looked a friends site, who I considered to be an expert at this. WordPress also seemed to be the market leader, and the most flexible, so - I went with it. BUT - my domain host - underwent a year long upgrade and migration. I wasn't like those big corporations paying so many dollars for hosting, so when they migrated my database, the entire dataset- was lost.
I had found greener pastures, but lost some nice comments.
Besides - um, I forgot the ADMIN password to WordPress . Have this real bad problem with that, and have written several programs to store it...but since I make them encrypted...It becomes a vicious cycle! TOTALLY terrified now that work has 14-character logins!!!!! |
So Janet (my wife) didn't say anything about all those domains I had "had" but the blog, well I knew this was going to be one something because - its more intimate, you share more personal information, and she is quite afraid of people who may take advantage of that.
LOL - Me saying her name will get me deeper into that perpetual doghouse, but - it's ok for GOOGLE to list the same information and more, not via "Jeff hamlin" but via reverse phone number lookup? - There is that logic again!!!! BUT se will come around, and see the light - just before the next new earth-shattering event occurs - it will take time! To answer that question in your mind I know you have, I do not have a deathwish. I basically torture my boss (he's pretty cool) and my friend/colleague - (just as much - get her any chocolate - she will hate you for life...) |
My attitude is, "they are either coming or not, so lets rock on!" (I don't mean be dumb but - you can't worry about what may be). We lived through KATRINA, so - bring it!
[Point of qualification: not "through" it - like those in the city suffering, in their own country - and so forth being treated like .....not getting into this now. We were comfortable, had escaped, no one died - and only lost the contents of our home and a car!!! Now that's being lucky!!]
The Critical Question
One day, she did say "I don't get it, why are you doing it, or anyone?"
I first asked, "is there any blog you have read, on a regular basis, like a pen pal?"
She loves Oprah, and has other news regulars, this is kind of a personalized version because you can find a writer you like "people love to express themselves", and you can establish a dialog/relationship. The evolution of reading the paper with breakfast...KINDLE and STARBUCKS (+)
I tried example after example. But, I could not find a good enough explanation.
Pondering...Until Recalled "LEEROY JENKINS" and Our Adventures
Among the world of bloggers I am like the n00b of n00b-dom. (I am rejecting the Urban Dictionary def, ...too n00bish for my taste!!)
To me, you need to become seasoned, practiced. I was always too busy, and of um, there were other priorities like:
- NFL & NCAA (Had to see my STEELAHS since I am from the BURGH)
- EverQuest (Thank you VERY MUCH CHRIS)
- Asherons Call
- Star Wars Galaxies
- Dungeon and Dragons Online
- World Of Warcraft: - (Favorite HORDE Char - KAHLESS)
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tabula Rasa
- Matrix Online (THAT was a cool game!!)
- Vanguard - (no comment)
- Eve
Never did like Second Life. Use it for when there are virtual conferences.
Sorry for that dalliance
Some others....
I work with someone who is like the "conservatoire of seedlings" of plants - knows everything (I MEAN EVERYTHING) about a specific class of plants
Another who gives like all her spare time to helping to find real homes for homeless cats. Each day, weekends, even if we work like we are now - she still does the cat thang......meanwhile - I am either programming or playing MMORPG's!!! /SIGH
But - Janet fell in love with EverQuest (and eventually World of Warcraft). Back then we used something similar to a BBS (Bulletin Board System/FORUMS) to chat with people when offline. They were free (with adds) or a guild (a clan of people) might pay for one).
Now during the game, we would have may take screenshots of what was occurring during "ADVENTURES". I - being a little more crazy then than I am now, would write these stories about our adventures....OUT ON THE INTERNET forums!
Today - YOUTUBE is famous for "LEEEROY JENKINS" - and that is still very funny. Well, we had our variations of "LEEEROY JENKINS" almost every-time we went and partied in some new area, and it was fun to write about.
Some person, who - you may sit and explain - every single step to, slowly and carefully - and they say "I understand" and 10 seconds later you are DEAD.
So, it was OK for me to publish on the net then, with an email address that could easily be reverse looked up. Anyone could read - what was the motivation? To capture a moment in time - it was fun.
NOW, it is even more-so - important as part of extending your career growth.
Contacts - etc. Before, when I needed access to "Jeffrey Richter" I had to go to TechEd, or PDC 2008. While I would LOVE to go there - I know it will not be supported so I don't ask.
But, I still have access to people just as good and even more, because all of them have blogs.
People making the product, we can have DIRECT input on what we need in the final design because they listen. She will get those examples - LOL - but I thought the EverQuest and - "LEEEROY JENKINS" was a nice reminder of what we used to to, and she might relate to it.
We shall see.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Hypocrisy of the Bush, McCain Foreign Policy and their attack on Obama
What is Appeasement?
On the Chris Matthews show, an example of how bad the rhetoric is trying to overwhelm us with the truth duing this example of idiocy after President Bush's comments:
I have many issues with the President's statement. This posting focuses on the fact that McCain and President Bush are attacking Obama for his foreign policy to meet with Iran, while President Bush's own Sec. of Defense Gates has been advocating the same position as Senator Obama. In addition, I want to clarify the Sen. Obama foreign policy vs the rhetoric.
Don't even get me started on the inaccurate comparison of talking with people to what Neville Chamberlain did, otherwise - let me see, by President Bush's definition - all of these President's are appeasers
- President Nixon going to China
- President Reagan for meeting with Khadafi
- President Clinton meeting with the Syrian dictator Hafez al-Assad.
"We need to figure out a way to develop some leverage . . . and then sit down
and talk with them," Gates said. "If there is going to be a discussion, then
they need something, too. We can't go to a discussion and be completely the
demander, with them not feeling that they need anything from us."
The following excerpt from the President and Secretary of State press release further suppports nogotiations with Syria and possible Iran: President Bush and Secretary of State Rice Discuss the Middle East Crisis
"Q Many strategists say that we'll never get to the bottom of this crisis unless the U.S. engages directly with Syria and Iran. Why not talk to them
directly about this, and have a back-and-forth conversation?THE PRESIDENT: Yes, that's an interesting question. I've been reading
about that, that people have been posing that question. We have been in touch with Syria. Colin Powell sent a message to Syria in person. Dick Armitage traveled to Syria. Bill Burns traveled to Syria. We've got a consulate office in Syria. Syria knows what we think. The problem isn't us telling Syria what's on our mind, which is to stop harboring terror and to help the Iraqi democracy evolve. They know exactly what our position is. The problem is, is that their response hasn't been very positive. As a matter of fact, it hasn't been positive
at all.And in terms of Iran, we made it clear to the Iranians that if they would
honor previous obligations and verifiably stop enrichment of nuclear materials,
we would sit at a table. And so there's a way forward for both countries. The
choice is theirs. Now, I appreciate people focusing on Syria and Iran, and we
should, because Syria and Iran sponsor and promote Hezbollah activities -- all
aimed at creating chaos, all aimed at using terror to stop the advance of
democracies.Our objective, our policy is to give voice to people through democratic
reform. And that's why we strongly support the Siniora government. That's why
I've articulated a two state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, two
democracies living side-by-side in peace. That's why Condi went to see President
Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Territories, to assure him that we're
committed to a democracy. That's why we're making sacrifices in Iraq -- to build
Another of President Bush's Azis of Evil States, lead by Kim Jong Il - who he has met with - another example of his hypocritical position of attacking Obama but doing the exact same thing in Foreign Policy - is he an appeaser? President Bush: Talk to Kim Jong Il
"Rice's comments add a new level of complexity to an issue that has generated debate among foreign policy experts: Did the Bush administration forgo a chance to pursue a dialogue with Iran shortly after the fall of Baghdad, when U.S. power seemed at its height?
The Iranian document, conveyed to Washington via the Swiss Embassy, listed a series of Iranian aims for potential talks, such as ending sanctions, full access to peaceful nuclear technology and a recognition of its "legitimate security interests," according to a copy that has circulated in Washington and was verified by Iranian and U.S. officials."
Senator McCain's Hypocrisy
Obama Foreign Policy Clarification
Obama's Foreign Policy as stated by him during the campaign in March in a summary is as follows:
"Sen. Barack Obama said Friday he would return the country to the more
"traditional" foreign policy efforts of past presidents, such as George H.W.
Bush, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.
"The truth is that my foreign policy is actually a return to the traditional bipartisan realistic policy of George Bush's father, of John F. Kennedy, of, in some ways, Ronald Reagan, and it is George Bush that's been naive and it's people like John McCain and, unfortunately, some Democrats that have facilitated him acting in these naive ways that have caused us so much damage in our reputation around the world," he said."
Barack Obama article (Renewing American Leadership) in the magazine Foreign Affairs, an excerpt supporting the above campaign statement - but this was written a year ago:
"We must also consider using military force in circumstances beyond
self-defense in order to provide for the common security that underpins global
stability -- to support friends, participate in stability and reconstruction
operations, or confront mass atrocities. But when we do use force in situations
other than self-defense, we should make every effort to garner the clear support
and participation of others -- as President George H. W. Bush did when we led
the effort to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991. The consequences of
forgetting that lesson in the context of the current conflict in Iraq have been
I respect Zbigniew Brzezinski, even though I have disdain for the President he served under. In his book, Second Chance, he has rated the Foreign Policy initiatives of the last three administrations, I think the results from this article with its excerpt are interesting (Audio):
"Washington has squandered its first chance at global leadership, says Brzezinski, who was national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter.In his book, Brzezinski assesses the foreign policies of the three most recent U.S. presidents — the only three leaders who have led the country after the Cold War and Washington's Soviet rival imploded.
Brzezinski tells Robert Siegel that George H.W. Bush merits a B, while Bill Clinton receives a C and the current president, George W. Bush, an F.
There is still opportunity for America to regain its prestige, Brzezinki says, but he warns that the next 20 months will be crucial. If the U.S. war in Iraq worsens and if it expands to Iran, then Brzezinski warns the era of American global pre-eminence in the world will prove to be historically very short.
"Excerpt: 'Second Chance'by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Each of the three presidents since America's victory in the Cold War has
been the world's most important player in the world's most important game, and
each has played in his own way. At this stage, suffice it to say that Global
Leader I [George H.W. Bush] was the most experienced and diplomatically skillful
but was not guided by any bold vision at a very unconventional historic moment.
Global Leader II [Bill Clinton] was the brightest and most futuristic, but he
lacked strategic consistency in the use of American power. Global Leader III
[George W. Bush] had strong gut instincts but no knowledge of global
complexities and a temperament prone to dogmatic formulations.The box below summarizes the fundamental changes in the global environment
that occurred during the first decade and a half of America's unprecedented
global primacy. These events are the basis on which the performance of the first
three American global leaders will be appraised in the chapters that follow. The
list shows, in capsule form, both the opportunities that were within America's
reach and the steps leading to the increasingly complex crisis that superpower
America now confronts.TEN MAJOR TURNING POINTS, 1990–2006
Key developments reshaping the world system.
1. The Soviet Union is forced out of Eastern Europe and disintegrates. The United
States is on top of the world.
2. The U.S. military victory in the first Gulf War is politically wasted. Middle Eastern peace is not pursued. Islamic hostility toward the United States begins to rise.
3. NATO and the European Union expand into Eastern Europe. The Atlantic community emerges as the predominant influence on the world scene.
4. Globalization is institutionalized with the creation of the World Trade Organization, the new role of the International Monetary Fund with its bailout fund, and the increased anticorruption agenda of the World Bank. "Singapore issues" become the foundation for the Doha Round of WTO negotiations.
5. The Asian financial crisis sets the foundation for a nascent East Asian regional
community, to be characterized either by Chinese dominance or by Sino-Japanese
competition. China's admission to the WTO encourages its ascent as a major
global economic player and a center of regional trade agreements with
politically more assertive and impatient poorer countries.
6. Two Chechen wars, the NATO conflict in Kosovo, and Vladimir Putin's election as president of Russia contribute to a rise in Russian authoritarianism and
nationalism. Russia exploits its gas and oil resources to become an assertive
energy superpower.
7. Facing a permissive attitude from the United States and others, India and Pakistan defy world public opinion to become nuclear powers. North Korea and Iran intensify their covert efforts to acquire nuclear capabilities in the face of inconsistent and inconsequential U.S. efforts to induce their self-restraint.
8. September 11, 2001, shocks the United States into a state of fear and the pursuit of unilateral policies. The United States declares war on terror.
9. The Atlantic community splits over the U.S. war in Iraq. The European Union fails to develop its own political identity or clout.
10. The post–1991 worldwide impression of U.S. global military omnipotence and Washington's illusions about the extent of America's power have been shattered by U.S. failures in postvictory Iraq. The United States acknowledges the need for cooperation with the European Union, China, Japan, and Russia regarding major issues of global security. The Middle East becomes the make-or-break test case of U.S. leadership.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Family Dinner
Before we all parted, my sister Vickie and I promised to come back later this summer, that is something I look forward to dearly!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Davis, Moira, Stephanie and I at Race
My first foray into the world of NASCAR racing, and boy was it exciting. Moira, Davis and I went to see our friend Stephanie who bought the tickets for this race. Steph and I - cheered for my namesake, Denny Hamlin - not sure who Moira was cheering for and Davis was wearing a Dale hat!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Political Landscape is Shaping Up!
But, what President G.W. Bush has allowed some of his most senior advisor's like Dick Cheney (a.k.a. Angler), Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz and Karl Rove to do the reputation of this country in the name of anti-terrorism is well, something I can no longer stomach.
Yes, Deborah and Frank, I admit I made a serious mistake with this Presidential selection.
Remember, after 9/11 - the entire world felt for America and supported us in whatever we needed to do. We answered by going after Afghanistan - but before we even finished there, President Bush secretly told Donald Rumsfeld to come up with war plans for Iraq.
I did not like Saddam Hussein, he was an animal - but what did he have to do with 9/11? Rummy wanted to always rebuild the Department of Defense - considering it too bloated an organization from his first stint in the position, so with this effort he was going to trash the working war plans, ignore the Powell Doctrine and come up with a new approach for a minimal force to get in - win, secure and get out fast!!
Look at us now, thanks Mr. Rumsfeld, Mr. Cheney and President Bush for this mess and the significant loss in American lives. President Bush, why have you not talked with your "friend" Crown Prince Abdullah about these skyrocketing OPEC Oil Prices (Historical Prices of Crude Oil 1947 - 2008) - closing price for 5/7/08 is $116.03/barrel?
So while the world was supporting us in Afghanistan, President Bush and personally I think, Dick Cheney - wants to dictate his new Foreign Policy initiative - agree with American or we will move you out of the way as we force feed democracy everywhere and wipe out terrorists - oh, by the way compromising our own principles and founding documents like the - constitution...
I said that nicely!
We lost many of our allies, and saw the world look at us like - we were the new China, Tiananmen Square 1989 all over. Who could to call for human rights when we were torturing people or flying them to other parts of the world to get around our own laws so the torture could continue...
So, now we are coming to the end of President Bush's term, and we have 3 new candidates on the table.
Senator John McCain
I cannot support John McCain, because of his staunch support of President Bush and this administrations horrible mistakes. I do respect him, especially his stand on Immigration - knowing it would in all likelihood cost him votes he stuck to his guns, that is rare in modern politics.
Senator Hillary Clinton
Let's be clear, I don't like this woman. I think in all of politics, this is the only - no there is a second one, Al Gore's wife Tipper, but she's a bit more tolerable and I don't think she is a lying, distrustful, evil person. Maybe HRC isn't but that is my perception going back to when her husband was elected President and she wanted to fix healthcare. RIIIIIIGHT!!
Then she fired those people in the Whitehouse Travel Office - and LIED about it, not a good start for a new First Lady - and her friend committed suicide over that fiasco.
As a U.S. Senator, let's go to her record:
She sponsored an Amendment to get better family planning services for unintended pregnancies. It was not passed, but this is something in her favor.
She did not support Senator Santorum's bill to prohibit partial birth abortions, for me this is a positive - but it depends on your position on this touchy subject. Another one in her favor. By the way, this bill was passed.
She voted in support of an amendment to adopt an amendment that would ensure that military personnel have access to abortion services in military hospitals.
Senator Barack Obama
Friday, February 8, 2008
Our First Interface...OMF
In the current design, there are some exceptions to this approach where SQR and Application Engine programs have been built conversion. The PeopleSoft Application Engine works in conjunction with Component Interfaces to perform the batch processing. Application Engine programs capture the relevant conditions and then pass the results to a Component Interface, which in turn triggers the Workflow PeopleCode. |
Our team for this interface consisted of some working in NOVA (Northern Virginia) and NOLA (New Orleans).
Pam, Ray and I were writing the SQL for all the fields, Pam took lead on the PeopleSoft/IDP design resolution part (good having a designer on the team). Al was creating all the Java code and Richard was in NOLA putting it all together everyday.
My office late at night trying to finish code and needing JAVA!!!!
Was the first interface project for Pam and I, and to be honest, I was amazed that it completed on time.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Barbie Car
I like Mustangs, they are a true sports car. The Shelby...well who can argue with that as the ultimate muscle car.
Anyway, this pink car, has "BARBIE" in pink in the rear window, and stickers all over. "Girl Raised on Grits from the South", and other Barbie related stuff.
I was totally surprised, it was unique and a very disheartening way to treat such a "muscle car".
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Pam Gets the BABY!
After those storms, the project continued in NOLA, but is also located in NOVA (Northern Virginia). The NOVA Team still celebrates the holidays of the NOLA (some like myself lived there for quite some time), and one holiday people truly enjoy is Mardi Gras.
Basically - weeks of the most delicious cakes, known as King Cake!
But inside the King Cake is a little baby, and whoever "gets the baby" has to provide the next King Cake.
"When the cake was served, if a girl found the lucky token—in time the bean was replaced by a porcelain doll, which in turn gave way to a plastic "baby"—she was obligated to have the party the following week. The young man she designated to be her king was responsible for supplying the king cake. Accordingly, if a young man found the token, he would designate one of the girls to be his queen. However, in keeping with the prevailing custom of the reigning queen assuming the role of host, she'd still be expected to throw the next party."
My friend Pam, well she got the baby, have fun!!
for our Mardi Gras celebration,she almost ate it.